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Philips PM5519 ET-SB-SI 1240895508 free download

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Colour T V pattern generator PM 5519 9452 055 19003 Service manual 9499 525 00711 8 7 0 5 0 1 /4 Industrial & Electro-acoustic Systems PHILIPS PHILIPS Scientific & Analytical Equipment Scient ific & Test & Measuring Instruments Industrial Controls lndustrial Welding Equipment Industrial Data-processing Systems Division 840501 TEST AND MEASURING INSTRUMENTS SGS 3 7 9499 528 0381 1 PM 5519 Colour p a t t e r n g e n e r a t o r Already published : SGS 20, SGS 27, SGS 30 L a t e s t i n s t r u c t i o n manual : 9499 525 00711 820801/3/01-10 1. Problem: BAR-signal i n c o r r e c t ( e . g . one c o l o u r m i s s i n g ) Solution: I n s e r t c a p a c i t o r 596, 150 pF, 4822 122 31413, on s o l d e r i n g s i d e of u n i t 1 0 , between p i n 8 and 7 of I C 359. 2. Diode BB 113, pos. 402 w i t h i n t h e VHF/UHF m o d u l a t o r i s r e p l a c e d by 2 s i n g l e d i o d e s BB 130, 5322 130 32281. Because of t h e exchange a c a p a c i t o r 39 p F p a r a l l e l t o C51 1 has t o be added. 3. Diodes BB 105B, pos. 401/403 w i t h i n t h e VHF/UHF modulator a r e r e p l a c e d by d i o d e s BB 405B, s e r v i c e code 5322 130 34953. 4. Within s e r i e s L0 016 ... IC351, TCA820 i n t h e modulator i s r e p l a c e d by TDA820 T, 5322 209 81981. Additional a l t e r a t i o n s : C 501, 502, 506 a l t e r e d t o 1nF 5322 122 31998 R 602 ' ' ' ' 3K01 5322 116 54582 The p i n n i n g of TCA820 and TDA0820T i s d i f f e r e n t . TCA820 is n o t a v a i l a b l e anymore a t Concern S e r v i c e . I n c a s e of d e f e c t i v e TCA820 a new complete VHF/UHF modulator 5322 218 64054 must be taken. 5 . P l e a s e c o r r e c t S e r v i c e manual, chapter 2.1.2: V = 3 12 , 5 ( o r 262 , 5 ) lines. 6. OQ 5501, pos. 3 5 1 / u n i t 10, i s not a v a i l a b l e due t o end of p r o d u c t i o n . Replacement t y p e i s OQ 5506 (same p i n n i n g ) , s e r v i c e code 5322 209 81945. Additional a l t e r a t i o n s : . Remove NTC- resistor 330E pos 605, r e p l a c e r e s i s t o r

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